The other day I wanted to talk with my family and friends. I had something I wanted to share with them. But everyone I called would not answer their phones. Now I'm beginning to understand how God feels. He calls out our name. He too, has something He wants to share with us and He wants to spend time with us...........yet we're to busy doing other things and we don't answer.............
I called my sister three times but she was busy doing other things and really didn't have the time to talk to me. Yeah, she called me back. Said she was "BUSY" combing her hair. She even text me some pics until she had time to talk to me. LOL!!! But my point is, she was still to busy to answer my call. Combing her hair, brushing her teeth, Excuses, Excuses......Busy doing other things....just no time to talk when I call........Like I said....Now I know how God feels.........What excuses do we give when He calls to talk to us?
I then tried calling my best friend, Patty and her phone rang and rang and rang. She was home but she never heard it ringing. Just too busy doing other really makes me stop and think.......How many times Has God called for me to spend some time to talk with Him and I was to busy? Has there been times when He called me and I was so busy I didn't hear Him calling? I better make sure I am in tune with that still small voice of God. I don't want to miss His call.
I tried calling my youngest daughter twice and she too, did not answer. All I got was her voice mail. When God calls us what does He get? Do we answer or does He get a busy signal, our voice mail, or do we just let the phone ring? Think about it?
I thought to myself, How many times has God called to speak to me and yet I was to busy to stop to talk to Him for a few moments? How many times have I been so busy that when He called, I didn't hear Him?
My sister called me back as well as my best friend Patty, and my daughter when she got off of work. But when my sister called me back, I was busy with the baby and really couldn't talk, so I had to call her back after the baby was taken care of. I thought about my sister's return call. When she called me back, I was then to busy to talk to her. What "IF" God would be to busy for our return calls? He has called out to us so many times and we don't answer. We let the phone ring, or we let it go to voice mail, or He gets a busy signal and we think nothing of it. We will get back to God in our own good time. But what "IF" in our own good time is when we REALLY need Him and then He should be to busy to answer? I'm glad He is not like us! But don't take Him for granted.....One day you just may cry out to Him in need and He won't be there to answer your call. "And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man…" Genesis 6:3
Jesus is calling you today! Won't you answer Him? "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." Revelation 3:20
"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: "John 10:27
Do you hear his voice today? Are you in-tune with Him? Are you following Him? He's NEVER to busy for you, Please don't be to busy for Him. Answer when He calls.
Speak, LORD; for thy servant heareth.