This is MY Treasure Chest.
My treasure chest is full of wonderful, beautiful, and bountiful treasures. The unique thing about it is anyone can dip into it at anytime and take out of it what they want. Its resources will never deplete. There is always an abundant supply for anyone who wishes to partake of what my treasure chest has to offer.
When you open up this treasure chest and start digging around and searching within, you will find things like joy for your soul, peace of mind, happiness, and laughter. My treasure chest holds healing for both body and spirit, faith to move mountains, and encouragement. You will also find friendship like no other in my treasure chest, for in here you will find a friend that will stick closer than a brother. In this treasure chest you will find the lover of your soul. Dig deeper in this chest and you will find hope where in other places all you find is despair. My treasure chest also holds the secret to salvation. In here you can find a new song to sing, for the one who made this treasure chest will put music in your soul. It is full of wonderful things , I promise, just taste and see. In my treasure chest you will find rivers of living water that will never run dry.
My treasure chest leads me to shelter in the time of storm. It introduced me to the rock of my salvation. It is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. It guides me in the direction that I should go so that I don't stray from the straight and narrow path of righteousness. When I am frightened I pick it up and hold it close to my heart. Then I open it up and begin to dig through the many treasures within and before long I am comforted by what I find and once again I feel peace sweep over my soul.
Within my treasure chest are many love letters from the lover of my soul. I can open up this chest anytime and read these beautiful letters over and over again. Each time that I do I am renewed with His love in my soul. When I read of all that He created I am in Awe. Then when I read of how He died for my salvation I am humbled to think that One such as He would die for one such as I. One day I am going to be with Him forever in a place that He has gone to prepare for me. For that is one of the promises written within my treasure chest. Oh yes, that is the greatest treasure yet to come.