My grandson, Caleb, can really be a handful when taken to any store. I don't care if it is Kmart, Save Mart, Dollar Tree, Dollar Mart, State Market, or a Drug Store, he will manage to find something he wants even if it's from the quarter machine. Once he has decided he wants something, he sets his heels in to get it and if his mother or I say NO the fight is on. He will start in with all of his reasoning as to why we should get what it is that he wants. The problem is, once we have said no, then that means NO! The more we say no, the more he begins to argue the point. Then he begins to get upset. Next thing you know, Caleb becomes, how should I say it? LOUD!!! Oh yes, my precious grandson can be very demanding. He has a way of letting us know just how bad he really wants the item he is begging for at the moment.
As I was laying awake at 4:15 this morning, I thought about Caleb and how he really shows his desire for what it is that he wants. That is the way we need to be in the spiritual realm. I then began to think about different individuals in the bible who did just that.
Queen Ester for one, had learned there was a plot against all the Jews. They were going to be destroyed. She needed to get the King's attention so that her people would not perish. But she couldn't just go before the king without being summoned, that would be suicide. She knew that she had to take drastic measures to save their lives. First there was the fasting for 3 days. Next she bathed in king's favorite perfume, put on his favorite clothing, then she positioned herself in the inner court so that she would be seen by the King as he sat upon his throne. She found favor in his sight. Then the king asked what her request was. I'm sure you all know the story of how she had the king and Haman come to dinner twice. On the second feast that she prepared for them the king asked her what her petition was and she asked for the lives of her and her people to be spared. Then the secret of what Haman had been planning came out and he was hanged on the gallows that he had built for Mordecai.
We have the story of Elijah and Elisha in 2 Kings chapter 2 where Elijah told Elisha to stay in town while he goes on to Bethel and Elisha's response was I'm going with you. A second time Elijah tells Elisha to stay put while he goes to Jericho again Elisha responds with I'm going where you go. A third time Elijah tells Elisha to stay behind for the Lord is sending him to Jordan and again Elisha replies with "As the LORD liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee. And they two went on." Elisha knew that Elijah was going to be taken from him that day. Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me. Elijah told him that if he saw him when he was taken it would be so. As they walked on and talked a chariot of fire appeared and Elijah was taken and Elisha saw. He got a double portion just as he asked.
In Luke 18 it talks about a widow who went before a judge asking him to avenge her of her adversary. The bible says he would not for a while but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man; Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.
Oh the list goes on. What about Blind Bartimaeus? When he heard that Jesus was near he began to call out for his healing. When he was told to be quiet he called out even louder. He had a need and he intended to have it met. He didn't care what anyone thought.
The lady with the issue of blood. For 12 years she suffered and spent her life savings trying to get well. She was at the end of her rope. She too had heard that Jesus was in town. If she could but touch the hem of his garment that is all she had to do. So she began to press her way through the crowd. I'm sure she was pushed and shoved and even stepped on. But that didn't stop her. She had a need and she wanted it met so she continued on until she was able to touch the hem of the Master's garment and she was instantly made whole.
There are many more examples in the bible of those who went the extra mile to get what they wanted or needed from God. What do you want or need from God in your life today? How bad do you want it? Is it the saving of a life? Do you have loved ones who are lost? Like Queen Ester you need to stand in the gap and go before the King of Kings and plead their case. Send forth the rich aroma of praise that will sift before the nostrils of God. Adorn yourself with the garments of worship that best get His attention. Invite Him to a banquet and commune with Him. Then when He ask what you need you can then plead your case to pull your loved ones off of Haman's gallows(Satan's gallows) before it is to late. With the help of God, the chains of sin will be broken and they will find their way to God.
Maybe you are in need of a double blessing like Elisha. If that is the case then get your praise on. "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise" Psalm 100:4. Keep your eyes upon Jesus and don't lose your focus. Follow Him where ever He leads. Go where ever He goes. Be a willing vessel.
If you are in need of a healing whether it be physical, mental, or spiritual cry out to Jesus like Blind Bartimaeus did. Reach out and touch the hem of his garment as the lady with the issue of blood did. Press your way through. Don't hold back. If at first your prayers seems to be unanswered, go back and ask again. Make your petition known like the widow did in Luke 18 and the judge granted her petition unless he became weary of her.
"...yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss..." James 4:2-3
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:" Matthew 7:7
I ask you once again, What do you want or need from God in your life today? How bad do you want it?
Excellent thought. BTW: I thought I was the only Nana that had a grandson that offered such shopping experiences. lol
Wonderful post, Jolene! I think sometimes God doesn't answer our prayers right away so He can see how badly we really want what we're asking for and to teach us perserverance.
I thought about the story of Jacob wrestling with the angel too in Genesis 32. That was a life changing encounter where he was given a new name(Israel, which means "prince of God" instead of Jacob which means "supplanter or deceiver")After that encounter, he had a different walk too. God can change the way we walk with Him too, if we will continue to seek Him and submit to the authority that he places in our lives.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts here today!
Karen, Whew!!! (wiping sweat from brow)I am releaved to know I am not the only one in Pentecost with a grandchild like this. Sometimes I want to crawl in between the rack of clothing or under the shopping cart and hide. Other times I would like to walk away and pretend I don't even know who this child is. But those moments are very, very few and far in between. The biggest majority of the time I just flat out let him know who is boss.
Hmmmm.... now that I think about it, I wonder if the Lord ever feels that flustered with us at times. I am sure He must, especially when we throw our spiritual fits because we didn't get something we wanted that He knew wasn't good for us.
Sis Connell, I glad you spoke about Jacob. The point you brought out in relation to Jacob is an excellent one. I thought of him as well as many others. But I knew I had to cut my post off somewhere.
There is just so much more that could be said and that we can glean and learn from the experiences of the lives of these people in the Word of God. All we have to do is open up His Word and our hearts and we would be so surprised at what would take place in our lives if we would just let it. Again it all goes back to: How Bad Do You Want It?
What a great post Sis Jolene. It really made me think about how bad do we want what God has for us. Lord Bless you. Noel
How bad do we want it... you said it. It has to be on top of the list.
Well Sis, I want it. I want it bad enough to be willing - whatever, where ever, however - I want it.
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