AS I lay here this morning thinking about the birth of Christ on this Christmas Eve, I began to remember how the story goes where there was no room for him in the Inn. How he had to be born in a lowly stable amongst the animals. My mind quickly wanders throughout the life of Christ. From the very beginning there were so many who rejected him. There were so many who had no room for him in their lives. Right away there were those who set out to destroy him even as he was just a child. So many times he faced rejection here on earth. Then the ones who did make room for him quickly abandoned him the day that he was crucified. Just days before they were crying out "Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest." Then soon after, the same people were crying "Crucify him! Crucify him!" Even his disciples were no where to be found. As I was laying in my bed this morning with all these thoughts running through my head, I wondered, "Lord how did it make you feel to receive so much rejection? I know your heart must have been breaking into. How did you manage to deal with it all?
In the hustle and bustle of this Christmas season people are so busy they don't have time for Christ. It's all about shopping. Getting the best deal. On to the next sale. Making sure that they buy for all their employees, employers, friends, every family member and etc. Even if it means they max out every credit card they have. Why if Susie is buying for everyone then I have to buy for everyone as well, right? Bumper to bumper traffic, and driving around forever to get parking. So much pushing and shoving in the stores. Give me! Give me! Whats in it for me? The next thing you know we have lost focus of the "Reason for the Season" Hey folks, for your info -you DON"T have to keep up with the Jones or the Smiths! Step back, take a deep breath, and re-focus. I guarantee it will make your Christmas Season much more pleasurable. I promise!
My youngest daughter and I were talking the other night and sharing our thoughts on how it seems Christ is left out of Christmas. You go to the stores and it's "Happy Holidays!" Even if I tell someone "Merry Christmas!" the majority of the time, their response to me is "Happy Holidays!" What's up with that?" I look at them, smile and say, "Nooo, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!" and walk away. I hear so many people say how they hate Christmas. How so? This is my favorite time of year. Christmas is all about Christ. The true Reason for the Season. I love to listen to the beautiful Gospel Christmas songs. I like to decorate the house and get into a festive mood. I enjoy telling my grandchildren the story of his birth and the purpose of why he came to this earth. Today we will gather around and have dinner with the family. Then evening time, the children will open their presents. Tomorrow morning the children will rise and shine, race to the living room to see if Santa left anything for them. Yes! There are the snow prints on the carpet and there's the gifts! Oh Santa's been here! They will excitedly open those gifts as well. Caleb will smile secretively because he knows who the real Santa clause is. You see, in our house Christmas is all about Christ and the children. We started a new tradition in our family 3 years ago and now we only buy gifts for the children. It is so much fun to see their faces light up as they open up their gifts. As adults, that's all the gifts we need. That and the love of Christ and the love of one another.
After the kids have opened their gifts from the so-called Santa on Christmas Morn we will all gather at Mark's for breakfast. Later in the day everyone will come to my place for dinner. Then another Christmas will have come and gone. I know in my last post I spoke on how life has been kind of rough these past two years. But as I lay in my bed this morning thinking of the life of Christ, well....there is nothing I've gone through that he hasn't already gone through. There isn't a path that I have walked that he hasn't already walked. Rejection? No one knows how that feels better than Christ. Abuse? Ask him about that! He was sorely abused the day he was crucified. Don't believe me read about how they beat him, spit on him, plucked his beard, pierced his side. I dare you to read it! And he did it all for our salvation. Yet people STILL continually reject him today. There are those who have called him Lord, even yet today, turn and walk away. Yes the road may have been rough, the trials at times hard to bear, the pathway dark, and my feet felt as though they were on shaky ground, and at times I seemed lost and confused. I may have been angry at times but never did I hate my God. Never did my love for him subside. Deep within me there was something that held me fast through it all.
On this Christmas Eve I want to remember what Christmas is all about. Not just today and tomorrow. But everyday, all year long. I don't ever want it to be said of me that I don't have room for him in my heart. Never do I want to reject the Lord. Hard times will come and go. But this one thing I know, he will ALWAYS stay close by my side through it all. In the lonely hours of the night, when I'm feeling alone and rejected, he is there. He hears my cry. He answers my prayers. He will NEVER leave me nor forsake me. For he is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
I started my walk with the Lord Aug 19, 1979. We've crossed many rivers, climbed a lot of mountains, and went through many valleys together. We've traveled many narrow paths. At times, the going has been extremely rough. Other times it's been smooth sailing. Good or bad, he's been there for me through it all. This one thing I know, he is my Friend, my TRUE Friend! He is ALWAYS there when I need him. On that I can depend. I smile as I think about the child born on that day. Rejoice! Rejoice! The Savior has been born. My Life Long Friend.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
How's Your Health?
Looking back over 2010, I can see a road that was very narrow, and at times, hard to travel. But here I am at the end of this year, and I survived. God is GOOD! I am so glad to know that I serve a Faithful, Merciful, & Loving God. I faced many trials throughout this past year. Some were physical, some were spiritual, & some were just LIFE itself. While in the midst of each trial, it's hard to see one's way but you just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and stepping out by faith. Sometimes when the going got so rough I just had to stand still & wait to see the Salvation of the Lord. Other times, I know He picked me up and carried me through the storm, for I just couldn't take another step on my own.
I've been awake since 2:40 a.m. My mind has been racing out of control. Have you ever been angry with God? I have! Yeah - ME!!! Things happen & you don't understand why? You question Him. You ask Him why He allows things to happen? Why He allows people INTO your life if they are not going to be allowed to stay? Why He takes people from you? Why your world is falling apart? etc. & etc. I went through this these past 2 years. My marriage fell apart, I watched as my son & Amalia were devastated & broken hearted at the loss of two Pregnancies. It ripped my heart out. All I could do was ask God WHY? You see your children hurting & you can do nothing to help them. I know I can pray for them, I did, yet my life was such a turmoil within itself. I did the best I could. I watched my daughter go through her struggles but I can't fight her battles for her. Then the biggest battle of all hits me. This one is personal. A battle I must face & fight on my own. The outcome is up to me. It seems that ever since I climbed the tree and began to wrap myself within the cocoon I have almost had the life squeezed out of me. I do remember asking God to wrapped me tight - so tight in fact that nothing can separate me from Him. I do believe now that He is squeezing everything thing out of me that is NOT like HIM! Until that happens I will not be able to come forth from this cocoon.
I have had some health issues, so my Neurologist sent me for several test, AGAIN! The past 8 weeks I have been taking 50,000 units of vitamin D. My 1st blood test revealed that I only had .8 vitamin D in my system. That is barely on the chart. It is now up to 24 which is still low. My vitamin B's are all low so my neurologist is pumping me full of that as well. The 1st test showed b-12 was 121. It is now 383. She wants it to reach 800. As most of you know, I suffer chronic migraines. After much testing I have been put on a strict diet because most of the food I have been eating triggers MIGRAINES. Now the blood work has revealed this vitamin deficiency which also is a major cause for migraines. Doc feels that once they get my vitamins up to par, and get my diet where it needs to be then my migraines will be cut in half. She said I will always have migraines but we just might be able to control the number of migraines I have to deal with.
As I was laying here this morning & thinking about all of this, I thought that this physical well being is just like our spiritual well being. When the body doesn't eat properly or get the right vitamins, it doesn't function correctly. It begins to break down. Your mind doesn't work right. When your vitamin b-12 is 400 & below you start having memory loss. You become forgetful. You head out from point A to do something at point B & by the time you get to point B you've already forgotten what it is you're there for. Proper diet, vitamins, exercise, & sunshine is vital for a healthy body & mind. I remember Rev. John McDonald from Eureka CA saying several times, "You need to get 15 minutes of sun everyday. It gives you vitamin D & drives away Depression! So if you're depressed get out & get some sun." When we are not healthy we can not fight off sickness. Our immune system is weak and resistance is low. We need to take care of our bodies.
The same goes for our spiritual body. When it doesn't eat properly (the WORD of GOD) it becomes malnourished. If we don't partake of His word on a DAILY BASIS, we start to lose important vitamins in our spiritual diet. We then, become weak and can not fight off the things that attack & try to attach themselves to us. We don't think properly. When trouble & trials come our way, we can not think clearly or reason rationally. We become disillusioned & disoriented. We become critical & questioning His will. We start doubting & our faith becomes low. Next thing we know, we find ourselves on a path that we don't belong. All because we have neglected to properly feed and nourish our spiritual bodies.
We need to daily feast on the Word of God and make sure we are getting the proper vitamins that our spirit needs. Vitamin B's that are so vital to our Spiritual walk. Vitamin B-1 = Praise & Worship to our God. Vitamin B-2 = Faithfulness to the House of God even when we don't feel like it, for that is where we will draw our strength. Vitamin B-6 = The fruit of the Spirit (these are a MUST HAVE) = love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, & temperance, Vitamin B-12 = PRAYER! & Vitamin D = Get plenty of SON DAILY = JESUS. Like Bro. McDonald said - "If you're depressed get some Son. Try Jesus He Never Fails! Are you lacking any of these Vitamins! We need to go to prayer on a regular basis and have a spiritual blood panel done to make sure we are where we need to be. If we find we are low in any area, then we can get a vitamin boost of the Holy Ghost to get us back to where we need to be. I have been told by my Neurologist & others that the Vitamin B's are natural diuretics, one must make sure they take plenty of liquids daily. My advice to you is make sure you drink from the Fountain of Living Waters Daily to go along with ALL of your Vitamin B's. We need to take care of our Spiritual bodies.
Through all of our heartaches & sorrows, troubles & trials, our family is estactic & so very thankful that God has blessed us with Hailey Renee! We are so Happy for you Mark & Amalia! God is Good! You know, when I step back and look at it all now, yeah it's been rough, and it hurt, and sometimes it still hurts. But you know, I can see things more clearly now. I understand! I Truly Understand! Your ways are far above my ways. You know what's best LORD & that's all that Hailey Renee - My Princess
Sunday, January 3, 2010
God's House Is Holy
Our Sunday School lesson today came out of Mark 11:15-17 and John 2: 12-17. It was about when the Passover was taking place. People were coming from near and far. Those who were traveling from afar had to purchase their sacrifices and gifts to God once they reached the City. Those who were selling these sacrifices and gifts decided to take advantage of that fact and they set up tables and stalls right inside the Temple of God. They also charged the people a lot more than they should have to pay for these sacrifices and gifts.
When Jesus entered into Jerusalem and learned what had been going on, He went to the temple and straight way, he made a scourge of small cords and he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables; And said unto them that sold the doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise. (John 2:12-17)
In Mark He said "Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves. (Mark 11:15-17)
The Bible point for today was - God's House Is Holy. I was trying to teach the children that we are to respect God's House. We don't run through the sanctuary unless we are doing it in worship unto Him. We don't eat candy or other food or chew gum in the sanctuary. We do not bring drinks in the sanctuary as well. God's house is Holy and should be treated with utmost respect. Paper and Kleenex should not be thrown on the pews or floor. If we see these things that have been left behind by others then out of respect to God we should stop and pick it up and take it to the trash. Don't say "Oh well it's not mine!" and walk off and leave it for someone else to deal with. Do it as unto the Lord.
Zach, Johnathon, and Ashley asked several questions as to why did Jesus become so angry and isn't it wrong to get angry like that? I explained to them that the Bible says to be angry but sin not. Then They Asked "Didn't Jesus sin when He got so angry and drove them out like that? No! Jesus was angry with the way these individuals had disrespected the House of God and the reason He drove them out of the Temple was because they had defiled the House of God. I reminded them of our Bible Point - God's House Is Holy! He could not allow sin and disrespect to come into the temple and defile it. I explained to the students that when sin and things like that come into the House of God to bring destruction to His Temple they MUST be driven out at all cost even if force has to be used. He could not allow these things to take place in the House of God - the place of prayer - the Holy Place.
Caleb then asked a very important question "Why did Jesus destroy His own House?" Good question!!! The answer to that was He did not destroy His House but He destroyed what the money changers had brought into His House. He actually cleaned out His House. Then I explained to the students again exactly what Jesus did and why. I also explained to them that today God no longer requires the types of sacrifices once used in the Old Testament and we went over the different types of those sacrifices. But today, the type of sacrifice He wants is us - a living sacrifice. "I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service" Romans 12:1
As I sit here this afternoon and ponder the questions of these students, I realized that what Jesus did in the Temple is exactly what we must do within ourselves. When things come into our lives that ought not to be there, we MUST drive them out. For are we not the Temple of God? "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?" 1 Corinthians 3:16 We must drive these things out with the same force that Jesus did on that day of the Passover. Unless we use the same force that He did, these things will keep returning back into our lives and we will have to keep battling them over and over again. If we don't get rid of them and destroy them they will destroy us.
The devil is out to kill, steal and destroy our walk with God. Beware! Anything that is not of God we need to remove it from our lives. We are the Temple of God and we MUST remain HOLY for He is HOLY. We must remember that we are the Temple of God and God's House is Holy.
When Jesus entered into Jerusalem and learned what had been going on, He went to the temple and straight way, he made a scourge of small cords and he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables; And said unto them that sold the doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise. (John 2:12-17)
In Mark He said "Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves. (Mark 11:15-17)
The Bible point for today was - God's House Is Holy. I was trying to teach the children that we are to respect God's House. We don't run through the sanctuary unless we are doing it in worship unto Him. We don't eat candy or other food or chew gum in the sanctuary. We do not bring drinks in the sanctuary as well. God's house is Holy and should be treated with utmost respect. Paper and Kleenex should not be thrown on the pews or floor. If we see these things that have been left behind by others then out of respect to God we should stop and pick it up and take it to the trash. Don't say "Oh well it's not mine!" and walk off and leave it for someone else to deal with. Do it as unto the Lord.
Zach, Johnathon, and Ashley asked several questions as to why did Jesus become so angry and isn't it wrong to get angry like that? I explained to them that the Bible says to be angry but sin not. Then They Asked "Didn't Jesus sin when He got so angry and drove them out like that? No! Jesus was angry with the way these individuals had disrespected the House of God and the reason He drove them out of the Temple was because they had defiled the House of God. I reminded them of our Bible Point - God's House Is Holy! He could not allow sin and disrespect to come into the temple and defile it. I explained to the students that when sin and things like that come into the House of God to bring destruction to His Temple they MUST be driven out at all cost even if force has to be used. He could not allow these things to take place in the House of God - the place of prayer - the Holy Place.
Caleb then asked a very important question "Why did Jesus destroy His own House?" Good question!!! The answer to that was He did not destroy His House but He destroyed what the money changers had brought into His House. He actually cleaned out His House. Then I explained to the students again exactly what Jesus did and why. I also explained to them that today God no longer requires the types of sacrifices once used in the Old Testament and we went over the different types of those sacrifices. But today, the type of sacrifice He wants is us - a living sacrifice. "I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service" Romans 12:1
As I sit here this afternoon and ponder the questions of these students, I realized that what Jesus did in the Temple is exactly what we must do within ourselves. When things come into our lives that ought not to be there, we MUST drive them out. For are we not the Temple of God? "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?" 1 Corinthians 3:16 We must drive these things out with the same force that Jesus did on that day of the Passover. Unless we use the same force that He did, these things will keep returning back into our lives and we will have to keep battling them over and over again. If we don't get rid of them and destroy them they will destroy us.
The devil is out to kill, steal and destroy our walk with God. Beware! Anything that is not of God we need to remove it from our lives. We are the Temple of God and we MUST remain HOLY for He is HOLY. We must remember that we are the Temple of God and God's House is Holy.
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