Whatever your cross,
whatever your pain,
There will always be sunshine,
after the rain ....
Perhaps you may stumble,
perhaps even fall,
But God's always ready,
To answer your call ...
He knows every heartache,
sees every tear,
A word from His lips,
can calm every fear ...
Your sorrows may linger,
throughout the night,
But suddenly vanish,
dawn's early light ...
The Savior is waiting,
somewhere above,
To give you His grace,
and to send you His love ..
Whatever your cross,
whatever your pain,
"God always sends rainbows ....
after the rain ... "
Beautiful post, Jolene. I had seen this animation of the cross a few months ago, and it is very powerful and true. I love the poem you have put with this too. God is a good God, even in our trials. Thanks for sharing.
I love this and your poem.
God will not put on us more than we can carry, He gives us the "right" cross. Thank you for this post.
Carol, We do serve an awesome God don't we? He is so faithful even in our trials and tribulations.
Catherine, The poem came with this animation from my niece. It is beautiful isn't it? It struck a cord with my heart last night when I re-read it. It is nice to have little reminders like this around to say hey, remember, God is your friend and He will not forsake you but will be right by your side through it all and you will come through with VICTORY on your side.
Beautiful post.
How are you feeling? Good to hear from you again.
Sister Buxton
Sister Buxton, In all honesty, Monday and Tuesday was rough health wise. Today was much better. When I have my bad days it really makes me appreciate my good days that much more. But I can't complain. I still have God and that is all that really matters.
Hey, I like that!!
Thanks Chandra, Makes one think doesn't it? I know that I have been guilty in the past of asking God to make my cross lighter or smaller so that it would be easier to carry.
Great post Jolene! Think we could all use some reminding from time to time about the power of the cross.
Thanks Pastor. We just have to remember during the time of our trials that the cross we are carring will soon be our bridge that will help us cross over to VICTORY.
Beautiful post, Jolene. The cross is what bridges the great divide of sin that separates us from God. This also reminds me of an old song. Maybe you know it?
Must Jesus bear the cross alone,
And all the world go free?
No, there’s a cross for everyone,
And there’s a cross for me.
How happy are the saints above,
Who once went sorrowing here!
But now they taste unmingled love,
And joy without a tear.
The consecrated cross I’ll bear
Till death shall set me free;
And then go home my crown to wear,
For there’s a crown for me.
God bless you, Jolene. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Love you!
Karen, what a beautiful song. I don't believe I have heard it before. If I have I don't remember it. Thanks for sharing. It goes well with this post.
I've prayed for you today, Jolene. Be calmed and peaceful.
Shirley Buxton
Sis. Buxton, Thank you for your prayers. I know God heard them. I do feel peace in my soul. It is as if a great calm has come after the storm. We had a wonderful prayer meeting this evening at our church and I felt the Holy Ghost goose bumps start from my head and go clean to the soul of my feet while I was praying. Such a wonderful feeling. It is good to know that I have the family of God on my side. I don't know what I would do without any of you.
God bless you!
I had never seen this before. Very moving. Beautiful. He is sooooo good to us!
Rochelle, It caught my attention when I saw this that's for sure. It delivers a powerful message.
This is fabulous! Thank you for sharing it. It's always great to be reminded of Gods goodness, and that He knows the road ahead of us.
Bambi, Yes He does know the road and what is ahead for us. Also, He will never put more up on us than what we can bare either. He is such a good God.
He definitely is, and He definitely won't. :) He is our strength, and our provider. If He asks something of us, He will see that we have the strength we need. :)
Hi Jolene,
My friend Regina had sent me this poem and illustration in an email a couple of months back. I had saved the poem (only) in a blog draft. When I wanted to post them both today, I "googled" the name of the poem, and your previous post came up.
So, at the end of my post, I linked to yours (hope you don't mind). When I visited Carol's blog today (I've been reading her blog for several months), I also saw your name in the comments.
God Bless you.
Love N Him,
Janet, No problem. You may link up anytime. This is an awesome illustration isn't it? Caught my attention.
I love blogging. I have gained so many blessing by reading what others have to share and have enjoyed sharing my thoughts with others as well. I have also gained so many new friends who are my family in Christ.
I have been strenthened in some very hard times by the family of God by their love and prayers. Blogging has been an avenue in which we all have been able to help one another bear the cross. God is so good!
hey is it alright if i use your poem in a song i'm making? i'll post the final song when its finished if you would let me. please write back.
Anonymous, I do not have the right to give you permission to use this poem in a song. The poem was written by my niece, therefore permission would have to come from her. Also, my niece would need to know who you are & what type of song you are wanting to use the poem in before she would consider releasing the right to use her poem in the song.
I love it! :)
But I'm wondering what it symbolizes when he cuts his cross smaller. Is that like letting stuff that aren't Godly slip in that make everything easier? So you're not so ''different'' around others for instance. Am I getting it right? :P
Karine, Yes, that is one of the reasons. Another is that people feel they can no longer carry the weight of a burden or go through the stress of a trial or tribulation that they are going through so they just want to ease the load - cut down their cross some, not realizing our trials & tribulations will make us stronger in HIM.
The problem is, when going through the hard times & the cross gets to hard to carry, sometimes we get frustrated & lose focus. We just want the cross to be lighter to carry so we try to adjust it to fit our shoulders ourselves, but that's when we need to do what Matthew 11:28 says "Come to me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest."
When we learn to go to Him when times are to tough to handle or the cross gets to heavy to bear, then He will step in and lift those burdens from our shoulders. He will help us carry our cross just like He had help carrying His cross that day at Calvary when He crumbled beneath the load of the weight of His cross. We need to remember that He will always be there for us when we begin to crumble beneath the weight of our cross. He will always see to it that we get through to the other side. Our cross will never be more than we can bear.
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