Saturday, October 17, 2009

Say What?

Caleb and I were sitting in my rocker/recliner yesterday reading together when out of the blue he stops and turns to me and says; "You know grandma, I know that what I did yesterday was wrong. I know I'm not suppose to mimic the teacher. But she was wrong too." I asked him how she was wrong and his reply was: "She didn't fill the send home note out right. She wrote down that I talked back and I didn't. She should have put down that I mimicked her. She didn't do her job right and she's a teacher. She doesn't know the difference between talking back and mimicking. If I'm gonna be in trouble then put down what I did that was wrong."

Yep, he was dead serious. He admitted what he did was wrong and he will take the punishment for that, but don't accuse him of of doing something he didn't do. Nope he just won't accept it. LOL!!! This kid is just WAY to serious sometimes.

I had to explain to him that it was just a simple mistake and that I talked to his Principal (who wasn't even aware that there was a problem) and that everything is ok. So, now we can forget about it and move on.

P.S. The principal did get a laugh out of that one. :) Only Caleb!


Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Let the children set it straight LOL

Janet said...

Sure sounds like my little boy...He is very technical about things, and He's always cracking me up with the statements he makes! =-)

Well, they'll keep us laughing, huh?! (Sometimes we do have to try to keep it on the inside though, right?! =-))

Carol Connell said...

I like Caleb. He's got personality!

Karen J. Hopper said...

Yep, another lesson learned in young Caleb's life. He's got it together.