Monday, March 23, 2009

WDLC 2009

Western District Ladies Conference 2009 was by far the best I have ever been to. As I stated in my last post the speakers and singers were so anointed you couldn't but be blessed.

My sister and I went up a day early this year so that we could have an extra day of just sister/sister time together. We live so far apart that we don't get to spend that much time together so we took advantage of it. It was fabulous! After we got settled into our room. We took off to check out the Mall and the town. Then we decided on a place to eat dinner, the Cheesecake Factory. First time there for the both of us. I don't know what we were thinking, ordering all that food because we didn't eat it all. We ate the salad on our plate and one quarter of the sandwich. Then we made an attempt to eat all of the cheesecake. Didn't happen! Then we told each other, "Next time we come here we will split a cheesecake". LIARS!!!! Next time we went was just for dessert but we ended up getting appetizers and we got our OWN cheesecake and ATE IT ALL! Pigs we are!!!

We laughed so much together. Thought of evil things to do that would cause chaos. Like when we signed in at the registration table for seating for the Brunch I asked my sister, "I wonder what they would do if we mixed up all these name tags?" Then we snickered and giggled just to imagine all the confusion. Then we saw Sis. Cindy Ziegenbein coming our way and new by the look on her face that she knew we were up to no good. LOL! Of course we wouldn't have done it but just the thought was enough to laugh about.

When eating breakfast at Double Tree, we were laughing so hard and again Sis. Ziegenbein pops out of no where and tells us "You girls are having waaaaaay to much fun!" She scarred me because she just popped out of no where. Sort of like what the Lord is gonna do on that glorious day of the rapture. Know what I mean?

When we were eating at the Cheesecake Factory we laughed and laughed and laughed until my sides were splitting. Our poor waitress, she must have thought she had a couple of ol' ladies who had escaped from the loony bin because we were really over the top. But then again, she would just come over and smile and laugh with us and make sure we had everything we needed. She was really an excellent waitress. My poor sister, she never knows what she is going to get herself into when she is with me. I am the oldest and I have led her into more trouble through out the years in her life. You would think that she would have learned by now. She just keeps coming back for more. She must have blond roots.

We would walk up and down the halls of that hotel and literally have to stop because we were laughing so hard. I know people must have thought we were crazy. But hey, we were making up for lost time. Remember, we don't get to see each other very often. My poor sister, Jovina, that's her name, would beg me to please stop because she was laughing so hard and I was really carrying things to the limit. The more she begged, the worse I got and the harder she laughed. I know, I'm evil and then I wonder why I didn't get my healing. Go figure!!! :)

We had more than one person tell us, "What are you girls up to now?" I mean, come on, did we look that Ornery? Tee Hee Hee Hee!

The best part of our visit together was standing side by side worshipping our God in spirit and truth. Sure wish I had some pictures of that to share with you. But we were busy praising God then and didn't have our cameras out. So you will have to use your imagination for that part of our trip. God bless!


Just a thought said...

So very happy to here and see that things are doing better for you.


Jolene Harris said...

Mervi, It was a grand time both with my sister and God. The laughter with my sister and during the service (Sis. Donna Linville is sensational) is just what the doctor order.

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. (KJV) Proverbs 17:22

A joyful heart is good medicine, but depression drains one's strength. (God's Word Translation)

I'll take the merry heart with laughter any day. Lord knows I don't want a broken spirit that dries my bones or depression that drains my strength.

Karen J. Hopper said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time with your sister - getting to share precious moments. As well as enjoying the wonderful Ladies Conference.

Jolene Harris said...

Karen, I sure did. Moments I'll cherish forever.

Carol Connell said...

Jolene. Glad you got to have such a good time at Ladies' Conference with your sister. I have two sisters, and it is always precious when we can spend time together either having fun or worshipping the Lord.