Sunday, January 20, 2008

Trusting The ONE True Living God

Dr S: How are you today Mrs. Mendoza?

Me: I'm fine doctor.

Dr S: Praise be to God. Let me listen to your lungs. They sound better than ever before. The surgery we did on your esophagus has done wonders, no? They sound stronger every time you come in.

Me: Sure has doc. It feels good to be off of the steroids and all of the other meds. I feel like a new person that's for sure.

Dr S: What have they said about the brain tumor?

Me: Well, I go in for another MRI the first week of February. I haven't received the exact date yet but that is what we are looking at.

Dr S: Mrs Mendoza, you do not need to worry for you know the one true living God no? He will take care of you. I do not think you will have to have surgery. You just pray to God and He will touch you. The one true living God is a healing God and He hears His people when they call on Him. Do you believe that?

Me: Yes I do Doctor. Very much so.

Dr. S: I am a doctor but I know a physician mightier than me. He is the great physician and He is the only one who can perform miracles. That is what we must believe Him for in your case Mrs. Mendoza is a miracle, yes?

Me: Yes, Dr S, I must believe for a miracle.

Dr S: We will believe together. You come back to me with a good report, OK?

Me: OK doctor, I will.

Dr S: I will see you in 8 weeks. Remember you must believe.

Me: I will Doc, bye and thank you

The above was my conversation with my lung specialist this past Monday afternoon. I must say that this past week has been a good week. I went to prayer meeting on Monday evening and I felt the hand of God come down and touch me while I was praying. Later, pastor came by and prayed for me and again I felt the touch of God move through my body. When I got home I was reading my favorite blogs and then checked my e-mail and had a note that read, "I've prayed for you today, Jolene. Be calmed and peaceful." Shirley Buxton. Again, at that moment I felt that hand of God reach out and touch me one more time. It was as if it were a confirmation that God was telling me that He has it all under control and that I need to trust Him and not worry. Everything is going to be OK. This all transpired in one day. What is that scripture that talks about out of the mouth of two or three witnesses? 2nd Corinthians 13:1 “By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established.” First my doctor, then my pastor, then Sis Buxton. God is so Good, is He not?

Oh and by the way, I have not had near as much trouble with my speech this past week. Still some trouble with my typing and still losing my thoughts as to what I am suppose to be doing by the time I get from one room to the next but at least it is easier to speak my thoughts. But there has been some improvement. Praise God!


Carol Connell said...

Hi Jolene,

What a good encouraging conversation to have with your doctor! It seems rare to have a doctor that has faith like that. I'm thankful to read about the touches you have received from God. That is an answer to prayer! Keep looking up and believing. I am believing God with you.

Love you,

Sis. Carol

Jolene Harris said...

Sis. Connell, This doctor is a bit unusual that is for sure. He also gave me a paper with a testimony and a web site to go to about a lady who was healed of a brain tumor. He does have a lot of faith and with the prayers of my brothers and sisters in the Lord and all my blogging friends and family, well it is very encouraging for me.

I will keep looking up and believing and trusting the One True Living God for a miracle. Thanks again for your prayers.

Love you,

Jana Allard said...

Hold my mule, I feel a shout coming on!!!!!! You need to testify about this at church. Awesome!!! I believe!

Linda Elms said...

Jolene, I believe God is performing a miracle in your body! He is our HEALER! Let us know.

Jolene Harris said...

Sis Allard, Yes, I do need to testify about this. I believe God is working wonders in my body. I"ll hold your mule, go ahead and shout. Then you can hold mine, deal? :D

Jolene Harris said...

Sis. Elms, I agree. God is our HEALER and I know that He has touched me. For that I am thankful. But I am believing Him for a miracle. Thank you for your prayers and God bless you.

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

He is the Great Physician, miracles are His specialty.
I believe He is working out for His glory!
God bless you,

Jolene Harris said...

Catherine, He is the Great Physician and I'm glad I know Him by name, JESUS!

I must remember this; "With His stripes we are healed."-Isaiah 53:5

God bless you and thanks for your prayers.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Keep believing! Keep trusting God!

Love you and continue to pray.

Shirley Buxton

Jolene Harris said...

Sis Buxton, I will keep believing and trusting. I just want to thank you for your encouraging note the other night. It came at just the right time. I know that God used you last Monday. Thanks for being sensitive to the voice of God. Thanks again for your prayers. They are appreciated

God bless you
Love you,

Rochelle said...

I got chills reading this!!! What an awesome AWESOME conversation! This lifted my faith! Thank you so much for sharing this journey with us. I'm believing with you!

Jolene Harris said...

Sis Rochelle, When I was at prayer meeting last Monday evening that is what I felt, chills all up and down my body from my head to the soles of my feet. I knew then that God had touched me.

I just want to say Thank you for your prayers. You have been a blessing to me and I appreciate you so much.

Jana Allard said...

I got so excited at the post I forgot to mention I loved the pic you put on this post. It is just beautiful.

Alice said...

Jolene, What an awesome story. What a great and mighty God we serve. With Faith we can move mountians. I hear the rumble of the earth starting to shake!
We will keep praying in faith!

Jolene Harris said...

Sis Allard, again the pic is from Webshots. I just love sunrise and sunset pics. They are so beautiful and majestic.

Jolene Harris said...

Alice, We do serve a Mighty God and He does move mountains. I am so thankful to be a part of the family of God for you have all been such a blessing to me. Thank you for your faith and for your prayers.

God bless,

Anonymous said...

Hi Jolene,

What an awesome report! I am looking forward to hearing another awesome report after your MRI!

I'll be praying and believing with you.

God Bless!

PS--my husband and I enjoyed fellowshiping with you and your hubby during the BQ Tournament at your church. We had a great time!

Jolene Harris said...

Eva, I am trusting for a good report as well. Thank you for joining me in prayer in this matter.

I am glad I was able to meet you at the BQ tournament. My husband and I really enjoyed the fellowship afterwards as well. Nothing like hanging out with the family of God is there? Hopefully we will get to do it again soon.