Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Preparing The Soil

I was talking to an individual last Thursday about the prayer meeting we had a week ago last Monday and how great it was. This individual spoke about how they got a touch from God at that prayer meeting. I went on to tell them that if they would have been there at the beginning instead of coming in late they would have received more from the prayer meeting. They would have received the victory they have been wanting. The reply was "I was only 20 minutes late."

"Only 20 minutes late and prayer meeting is only one hour long" I replied. I then told this individual that they are late for every service. You come in almost every time at the end of every song service. That is why you are struggling. That is why you can't get the victory. You will never get what you need for yourself unless you are there to prepare your heart for the word. That is why you leave the same way you come every service. Don't get me wrong. I did this out of love. I then went on to explain to this individual that the beginning of the service is the most important part. Some people say that as long as they make it there in time for the preaching that is all that matters. I disagree!

We should be there early for prayer before service. Am I always there early for prayer? No, not every service. But I generally make it on time for praise and worship service. Some days I have a hard time getting around with my migraines. I get up and it might take me two hours to get myself together and to church on time but let me tell you, I am praying while I am getting ready for I want my soul to be prepared so that when I get to the house of God I will be ready to worship. I love worship service (song service if you please). Prayer and worship service is like the tilling of the soil and the kneading of the dough.

The farmer just doesn't go out there and throw down the seed but he prepares the soil. He first tills the land, gets rid of the weeds. That is what we do when we come into prayer before service. We till the land (our hearts) and get rid of the weeds (sin). The farmer makes sure that there are no rocks, thorns, thistles or anything that would prevent the seed from growing when he plants it. That is what we are doing in prayer. We are shaking off the world and anything that has attached itself to us that is not of God. Then the farmer begins to prepare the soil for planting of the seed. He turns the soil, he waters it, he plows it, he makes the rows where he wants them. That is what we do in prayer and praise and worship. We are turning the soil of our hearts and we are watering it and plowing it and drawing the rows so that when the word of God is brought forth it will fall on GOOD SOIL and will sprout good deep roots and grow forth in our hearts and we will grow strong in Him.

A good baker will prepare their goods in the same way as the farmer. They don't just get the ingredients for the bread, tortillas, or a fancy cake and throw it together. It takes special preparation. There is the mixing of the dough. Setting it aside and letting it rise. Coming back and kneading it, pounding out the lumps, again getting rid of the sin and every weight which doth so easily beset us. The baker will do this several times until the dough is just right and ready to put into the oven. Then it will bring forth a great loaf of bread or fantastic tortillas or a delicious cake. But without the proper preparations the dough will not rise and whatever the the baker was trying to make will have to be thrown out. I want the Lord to be able to take my heart and I want it to be pliable in His hands. I want it to rise with good things and not to fall flat.

This past Sunday morning and evening this individual was on time for service. I am happy to say they received a blessing at both services. They were even on time for this past prayer meeting and was touched in a mighty, mighty way. Don't tell me worship service doesn't play a big part in the preparation of the way the service goes and in what one receives from God. You will never convince me other wise. Read your bible, it is so important that they even had the praise singers go forth first in battle. 2 Chronicles 20:21-22; " After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the LORD and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out AT THE HEAD OF THE ARMY, saying: "Give thanks to the LORD, for his love endures forever. As they began to sing and praise, the LORD set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated."

If praise service isn't important then why did God have them first in the battle field? There is just something about praise and worship that brings down the power of God. Yes, it is the preparation of the work to be done in one's life. Need a miracle? Need an answer? Need a healing? Need salvation? Prayer and Worship is the answer. It will prepare you for the planting of His Word. For when it falls on soil that has been prepared it will spring forth and your needs will be met and you will rise victorious.


Carol Connell said...

Amen and amen, Jolene. Great post. Our praise and worship definitely sets the stage for the preaching of the Word of God. The more people that understand this and get it into their hearts and spirits, the greater move of God we will have. I'm glad your word of exhortation to a fellow brother/sister was received too. Praise God!

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Great post.

Jolene Harris said...

Carol, This past week as this indidvidual and I sat at the table and talked and shed tears of victory together the comment made was "All the time wasted on just receiving a little touch here and there when I could have had the victory all along.

The devil doesn't want us to have the victory because he knows what we are capable of doing for God if we ever reach that level in Him. That is why he will do whatever he can to keep us from receiving the victory. But we must get this understanding in our hearts and reach out and grab ahold of it and take back what belongs to us in God.

Jolene Harris said...

Catherine, Thanks

Anonymous said...

I cannot tell you the strength and joy I have received over the years in both specially called prayer meetings and those of regular schedule.

Here at our tiny church, I miss having a group of praying people around me.


Jolene Harris said...

Sis. Buxton, I gain so much strength when I pray with my brothers and sisters. I know that we need that alone time with God but there is just something special about praying together as the family of God.

Yvonne said...

Good thoughts auntie Jo Jo I know sometimes I run late for church because of class and I miss prayer or the song service and its just not the same as when I get to church in time to worship God and help create that atmosphere that God loves to move in. You should have been at our church Sunday night in Eureka! It was so awesome!!

Jolene Harris said...

I know what you mean Yvonne about coming in late. It just isn't the same as when you get there early enough to get your praise on is it?