Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The End Of The Day

Well it's midnight and I was listening to freeWAY singing as I read through my favorite blogs. As I wrapped up my reading, they were singing: "Jesus Loves Me". I guess I have hit repeat about 7 times now. I love the verses these young men have written to this song. When you really listen to the words it will touch your heart in a special way and make you realize just how much Jesus loves you.

I must say that it has brought such peace to the end of my day. I feel as though I have just crawled up into the lap of my Savior as a child crawls up into the lap of its mother or father. I can feel the arms of my Lord wrapped around me, holding me, and telling me that everything is alright and I know that it is for I am in the arms of my Lord and He loves me.

I can go to sleep now and rest just like a child that has been comforted by its parent. For I have been held in the arms of my Father and felt the love of my Lord. Sweet peace has swept over my soul.


Jana Allard said...

I couldn't have said it better. I, too, love the way that song turned out.

Rochelle said...

What a beautiful visual. I need to get their CD.

Just a thought said...

It seems to me there is an old song something about save in the arms of Jesus.
To come to the completion of the day and then to feel save in the arms of Jesus is a great day.


Jolene Harris said...

Sis. Allard, It is a beautiful song.

Rochelle, You will love their CD. These young men are definitely anointed.

Mervi, I know the song you are talking about. There is nothing like starting the day with Jesus by your side then ending it safe within His arms.

Carol Connell said...

There is nothing like the peace of God that passes all understanding(well except for the love of God), and I'm thankful for the many times that God has let me experience that peace.

Jolene Harris said...

Sis. Connell, You are right. There is nothing like the peace and love of God. I don't know how people in the world make it without it. I couldn't do it.