Sunday, September 30, 2007

I Plan To Continue...!!

Just wanted you to know............and hope you don't mind!

There have been many, many times when I may have disturbed you,

Troubled you,

Pestered you,

Irritated you,

Bugged you,

Got on your nerves

Sent too many emails,

But today I just wanna tell you that...

I plan to continue...!!

That's right, I can't just sit on my talent now can I? Are we not to use our talents to the fullest? Well, I am using mine! I have discovered that I am great at being ornery and so therefore I am going to use my talent to the fullest because I don't want to lose it and someone else get what was intended for me. :)

So if you have any talents out there let me give you a word of warning...use 'em or lose 'em. ;-)

Lighten up! Enjoy life! Laugh awhile! Proverbs 17:22 reads; "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine..."

So why don't you join me while I sit back and bask in a large dose of merriment? I guarantee it will make your day a much brighter one.

You have a wonderful Sunday in the Lord!!!


Anonymous said...

I like you. I like your feisty spirit. I hope to meet you someday; if not here then in Heaven!


Jolene Harris said...

Karen, I hope to meet you and Carol as well someday. I have had that thought a time or two before. I honestly believe that I would really get along well with the both of you.

You have a wonderful evening service with the Lord. May God come down and bless your congregation with His presence and in return may you all bless Him with the praise He so deserves.

Jana Allard said...

ROTH LOL You are too much!!! This post is great, but I have to say you have many other talents besides ornery.

Jolene Harris said...

Well, maybe so Sis. Allard. But I think ornery is my #1 talent. Don't you agree??? After all you know me pretty well.

Jana Allard said...

You have so many talents that I think you are amazing, but I must admit I love the fun, ornery side of you. :)