Friday, July 27, 2007

What Is Your Talent?

"People of talent resemble a musical instrument more closely than they do a musician. Without outside help, they produce not a single sound, but given even the slightest touch, and a magnificent tune emanates from them". - Franz Grilparzer

When I ran across the above quote my mind immediately went to the scriptures in 1 Cor.12:12-31 and Matthew 25:14-26.

1 Corinthians 12:12-31 tells us there is one body with many members. Some are the eyes, some are the ears, while others are the feet or the hands. We also have some who are the mouth. All are necessary and each used for a different purpose but all equally important in the kingdom of God.

We have all been given a measure of talent from the Master. Matthew 25:14-26 speaks of the master who gave his servants certain talents and how two of them took those talents and used them and multiplied them. One servant took the talent he received and buried it. He did nothing with his talent to further his master’s kingdom. The two who used their talents brought great happiness to their master and received blessings and the one who buried and did nothing with his talent brought the anger of his master upon himself.

We need to find out what our talent is. It could fall under any one of the following categories. It could possibly fall under two or more like the servants in Matthew 25 who received more than one talent. Our talent could be in the field of a preacher, evangelist, Sunday school teacher, home bible study teacher, outreach, kid’s church leader, or a bulletin board decorator. There are those who are called to keep God’s house clean and in order. You could be a door greeter, or have the talent of singing, playing an instrument, leading song service and the list goes on. Whatever you talent is, it is given of God. The question is: What are you going to do with it? Use it and multiply it for God’s kingdom or bury it and do nothing?

Lord, whatever talent you choose to give me, I’m willing to accept it and I want to be a musical instrument in your hands to glorify the kingdom of God. I want the slightest touch of your gentle hand to make a magnificent tune emanate from my life for your glory.


Jana Allard said...

Oooooo, I like this post.

Jolene Harris said...

Thanks, and I'm glad to hear the tent is up. Now maybe pastor can relax some. Enjoy camp meeting!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be boring if all of us had the same talent? How kind and wise of God to bless us with different talents that people might be ministered to in a variety of ways! Great post. God bless you.

Carol Connell

Jolene Harris said...

Yes, He is a wise God. With so many different types of people, many types of talents are needed to reach these different individuals. Boring? Nope, not our God!