As I was holding my infant foster grandson in my arms today I was reassuring him that everything was OK. He is a drug baby and has some stomach problems and can be quite fussy at times. He is the sweetest child in spite of his difficulties. One can't help but fall in love with him when you take him in your arms. I must say he is a handsome little guy as well.
When holding him close today, I was softly speaking to him and telling him that everything is alright. Grandma is here and I love you. I will take care of you. No need to worry, Grandma has it all under control. It's OK! I'm right here. Don't cry baby, I've got you. I kept on consoling him in this manner as I have done before and he began to quite down and fell asleep in my arms.
As I sat there looking at this child sleeping peacefully in my arms today, I thought, this is how it is with God and His children. When we are hurting, sick, confused, don't understand certain things, or weighted down with heavy burdens, all we have to do is cry out to God, our Heavenly Father and He will reach down and pick us up. He will console us and speak reassuring words of comfort to us. He will let us know that everything is alright because He is here. He has everything under control and He loves us and cares for us. There is no need for us to worry as long as we are in the arms of God.
If I can love this baby so much like I do, how much more is the love of God? If I will do whatever I can to bring peace and comfort to this child, how much more will God do for His children?
At that moment I felt so close to my Heavenly Father and I felt such peace and comfort wash over me that all I could do was weep tears of joy. I am so blessed to have a God that loves me so much. I don't even want to imagine what my life would be like without my God. He is my everything and I love Him so very much.
How wonderful it is to have such a loving and compassionate Heavenly Father! As I read your post, the song "Gentle Hands" came to my mind.
Like a little child
sometimes it's hard to see
just which way I need to go
and what is best for me.
But I have a loving Father
who always understands
and it's a consolation
to know that I'm in gentle hands.
Gentle hands,
holding on to me.
Gentle hands,
guiding me so carefully.
Though they lead me down through paths,
I don't always understand,
I will have no fear, for I'm in gentle hands.
Thank God He is always there for us and holding onto us even in those moments of doubt, fear and uncertainty. No one is a friend like Jesus!
Thank you for this post.
Carol, Thanks for sharing this song with me. I do not remember hearing it before and the words to it are beautiful indeed. I wish I knew the tune to the song for the words to it are now going over and over in my head. How reassuring it is to know that we are in His gentle hands.
Hey, Jolene, next time I see you, remind me and I will sing the chorus of that song to you. This also made me think of the song on my project "Cry of His Child."
P.S. And the baby you speak of truly is a doll.
Sis. Allard, I will ask you to sing it for I really would like to hear the song and you are right, "The Cry of His Child" is another great song. I think that I need to listen to that one right now and I know that you understand why.
Love you!
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