Sunday, October 28, 2007

Still Standing


When I first came to Jesus
And repented of my sins,
He gave me blessed forgiveness
And such joy and peace within.

I felt such strength and power
Come upon me like never before,
I was sure I could endure anything
That life would bring and more.

But standing in the shadows
Waiting for a chance to make me fall,
Was Satan, the prince of darkness
Who longs to destroy us all.

So, as I began this journey
On the straight and narrow path,
I've faced much opposition
From the enemy of wrath.

There have been many disappointments
Come upon me through the years,
I’ve had a lot of heartaches
And shed a lot of tears.

I have faced moments in my life
When I thought I couldn’t endure,
But then I felt the hand of Jesus
Reach out and make my steps sure.

On the road of life we travel
One thing I know for sure
Trials and tribulations
Are waiting to be endured

So when disappointments come my way
And heartaches upon me fall,
This one thing I know for sure
Upon His name I’ll call.

When things look dark and dreary
And the way is growing dim,
I can call on Jesus
And on Him I can depend.

So go ahead Satan
I know my soul you wish to destroy,
But you had better watch out
For the angels that God will deploy.

These angels come in many forms
And on their knees they fall,
They are the precious family of God
And on His name they call.

For when the way gets rough
And the load to heavy to carry,
They go before the Savior
And on my behalf in prayer they tarry.

Then my Savior up above
Sends down His angels to war,
Against the powers of evil
And victory to me He restores.

And though I’ve had much opposition
On my way to that safe landing,
I’m overjoyed and happy to say
By the grace of God, I’m still standing.

By Jolene Mendoza
March 7, 2007


Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful poem, Jolene! Thank God that He does give us grace to make it through the trials and that we have brothers and sister in Christ to lift us up in prayer. I could not imagine going through life without Jesus and the church. Some people may say that our Christianity is a crutch. I say uh uh, it's much more than that. I don't need just a crutch, I need life support! Hope you have a blessed week. Write on sister. :-)

Rochelle said...

Okay... not only can you preach...

This was absolutely beautiful. I am so glad you are still standing. You inspire me.

Thank you.

Jolene Harris said...

Carol, I like that, My life support. That's exactly what the church is isn't it?

Oh, and thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed the poem. God Bless you and yours

Jolene Harris said...

Rochelle, Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed my poem. I am inspired by you as well, by all of my blogging friends. You will never know how much all of you lift me up in spirit when I read your postings. I enjoy the serious thoughts and the laughter. Gotta have that laughter every now then, don't we?

Just a thought said...

What a greast gift you have with words. The wonderful truth and feeling that come form your words.


Jolene Harris said...

Mervi, I am a little surprised at myself. I have written a couple of poems before with the help of my sister. She is the poet and so is her daughter and her son. My brother writes poetry as well. This is the first poem I have ever written on my own. It came from my heart. I don't know why I felt led to post it after all this time but I did. This poem seems to fit my life at this time now, more than when I wrote it. Does that seem strange?

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Beautiful poem. Thank God for His strength. You are an encouragement to all who read your blog. I do often, but fail to comment. Now, I want you to know.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Jolene Harris said...

Catherine, Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your prayers. That is one thing all of us need and can never get too much of.

I am glad to learn that I am an encouragement to others for that is what I want to be. Glad you enjoyed the poem. It was definitely God given. Isn't HE WONDERFUL? He is my peace in the midst of the storm. My Hope, my Strength, my Joy, my Life, my Everything. God is soooooo Good!